Case Study: Launched Patent-pending Solution to Address Shopper Pain-point


Shopper Journey research revealed that 80% of Professional users experienced friction when shopping for replacement chain saw chain.

  • Pros were the highest volume customer.

  • Finding the right part to fit their equipment was the top source of friction .

  • This struggle led to buying multiple options and returning the non-fitting options which was a hassle for them and the retailer.

Most part-finder tools required the equipment make and model number to get a part recommendation. Many shoppers did not have that information readily available making the tools useless.


  • I secured internal commitment and investment to developed an app-like tool that was not dependent on knowing model number of equipment.

  • The logic and design were considered unique enough to apply for patent


  • The app-like tool was adopted by a leading Canadian retailer

  • It was implemented on Oregon Tool Website

  • It has sparked conversations with additional strategic retail partners

  • Projected 25% increase in sales where implemented driven by increased close rates and reduced returns


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