Case Study: Accelerated transformation to an end-user focus, demonstrating value and expertise to retail partners


The Oregon brand was a strong player in the replacement bar and saw chain markets but had spotty presence in big-box retail.

Buyers focused most of their energy on optimizing the equipment assortment they offered. Replacement parts were a nuisance to them because managing the assortment was time consuming and confusing.

Compared to whole goods, replacement parts have a high margin which means that optimizing the assortment would have a big impact on bottom-line results


To become a trusted advisor to buyers and influence assortment choices, I set out to know more about the replacement parts shopper than anyone else in the category:

Hired an award winning national customer journey mapping research firm to design a multi-tool-type, multi-end-user, multi-channel study

Robust sample size to get the “whys” behind their decisions, shopping experience, brand preferences, and decision sequence.


We presented customized journey maps, by persona, equipment type, and retailer, provided an effective platform for establishing thought-leadership with large retail partners.

Drove Distribution Gains:

  • Multi-category test at Home Depot

  • 2021 Core category pilot at Tractor Supply

  • 2022 Core category test expanded to full-chain distribution

Improved Shopper Experience

  • Development and implementation of state-of-the art part-finding
    tool with leading Canadian retailer (patent pending)

  • Simplified packaging navigation across multiple product segments

Built Credibility with Retail Partners

  • Replacement-part specific insights no other vendor could supply

  • Branded solutions to de-commoditize the category and increase margins
    and penny profit


Phase 1: In-depth interviews were done to identify triggers, pain points, moments-of-truth and influential factors that various shopper segments experience before, during, and after the retail and online shopping stages.

Phase 2: Mobile ethnographic research was deployed on a national scale and shoppers representing each target segment were directed to capture their entire in-store and online shopping journeys on their own smartphones (by recording videos and images) to harness their thoughts, reactions, decisions, and emotions at each step.

Phase 3: Results were quantified using a large survey of over 1000 shoppers to validate key in-store and online journey moments, and to compare key differences between retailers, shopper segments, equipment type and decision-making approaches with a higher level of precision for increased confidence and business projectability.


Captured top spot in emerging meat-substitute category


Drove Distribution with Ground Breaking Pitch Presentation